To see in every shoot, the tree that will grow from it.

Special Education Teacher

Barbara Šömen Škrabolje

I motivate and support children, adolescents, and their parents to find the best path toward meeting the students’ most achievable goals in reading, writing, computation, English, as well as other skills needed for pre-school and school.
To see in every shoot, the tree that will grow from it.

What do we do?

We provide special education activities derived from a wide range of knowledge and years of experience in this educational field.
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Individual support for children and adolescents

Through in-person meetings or online, we provide a stimulating and safe environment for creatively mastering developmental and learning challenges.


Diagnostic Assessment

By way of discussion and a variety of tests, we identify areas of strength and learning as well as the developmental challenges of the child or adolsecent.


Consultation for parents

If we want the most extensive support for a child or adolscent with challenges, a time and place for supporting his or her parents is essential.


Professional Education

Lifelong education is the best path for successful resolution of learning challenges.

The best path to the most achievable goals.

“Best” Programs

“Best” programs offer support and balance in dealing with an individual’s educational strengths and weaknesses. Through these programs the individual can fulfill his or her most attainable goals.

“Best” English

I read, understand, and write fluently.

“Best” Reading

I read fluently and quickly.

“Best” Comprehension

I read to learn.

“Best” Writing

I write intelligently and quickly.

“Best” Mathematics

I calculate quickly and correctly.

“Best” Attentiveness

I learn diligently and attentively.

“Best” learning

I learn creatively and effectively.

“Best” Preparation for School

I play, and I progress.

Online Support

Live on-line support using up-to-date technology at a pre-arranged time.

The greater majority of our programs are available on-line.

We use the on-line applications Zoom and Skype.

You save time and transportation expenses.

Most suitable is a combination of in-person and online therapies.

Why choose us?

With an extensive set of professional skills and more than 25-years of experience, we provide special educational support for children and adolescents, we advise parents, and educate.

Quick response and appointment.

Introductory consultation (15 minutes) free-of-charge.

Live meeting face-to-face in person or online.

Work done in accord with your tempo.

Programs offered also in English.

Barbara Šömen Škrabolje

I am a special education teacher and also have a specialization in family therapy. In the last 25 years of my professional work, I have met and worked with parents and their children with a variety of developmental and educational challenges.

I take delight in learning and also know how to inspire others. I believe that each child, adolescent, and adult can learn, even though at first there appear to be obstacles to learning.

Barbara Somen Skrabolje

What is said about us?

How to request service

For inquiries please contact us through the form below or at